Blooming Peaches

7 April 2023

peach tree irrigation

Every year the spring arrival in the plain of Veroia in central Macedonia is accompanied with stunning images of blossoming peach trees, apricot trees and other orchards that thrive in the area.

A unique mosaic of pink, white and red shades of flowering trees that is even mentioned in Herodotus’ writings as the famous “Gardens of Midas”, while the beauty of blossoming trees has also been portrayed on canvases of great painters, like Vincent Van Gogh in his works “Peach Tree in Blossom, April 1888″, “The Pink Peach Tree, April-May 1888″ etc.


Peach trees have high water requirements throughout the growing season, but mainly from the stage of core hardening (endocarp) to the stage of fruit ripening. The lack of water during this period has an impact both in the current growing season, negatively affecting the size, quality and overall production, and in the next growing season with a general weakening of the trees. Irrigation should be done at regular intervals in order to maintain a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, but without excesses that can cause suffocation of the root system of the trees.


Palaplast has a complete range of products that can be used to install a reliable and efficient irrigation system, whichever method is chosen (drip irrigation, irrigation with micro sprinklers close to the tree trunk):