World Water Day 2023 – “Accelerating change”

22 March 2023


World Water Day 2023 – “Accelerating change”


World Water Day 2023 focuses on the changes, small and big, that we all need to make to help successfully address the crisis of access to clean, potable water and proper waste management.

In 2015 there was a commitment in the council of nations to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Sustainable Development Goal-SDG 6), which included the promise of access to clean water and proper waste management for everyone by 2030.

It now seems that this goal is diminishing, unless there is a global awakening and targeted actions in this direction by all of us, individually and collectively, as today 1 in 4 people (2 billion worldwide) do not have access to safe drinking water.

This is exactly what the central message of the World Organization of Nations on water advocates, using an ancient story of the Quechua people from Peru where a hummingbird carries drops of water to extinguish a large forest fire, proving that every action, small or large, counts.

Almost half of the world’s population does not have adequate sewage systems, while at the same time 44% of domestic sewage is not safely treated. The campaign encourages us to do what we can to help address properly water and waste management.

Beginning with the individual, family and wider societal level, the time has come to act, by changing the way we use, consume and manage water in our lives.

These changes will add to a larger scale commitment from governments, companies and organizations to accelerate progress towards proper water management!