Palaplast Social Awareness

3 April 2020

During this challenging period it is crucial that we remain united, supporting our heroes of the day, our nation’s doctors and nursing staff.  Now that our health care system is being tried is the time to step up.

PALAPLAST declares present and involved in the common effort to meet the needs for medical equipment of G. Papanikolaou General Hospital of Thessaloniki and AHEPA University General Hospital of Thessaloniki.

With the primary objective for intensive monitoring and treatment of the virus Covid-19 we undertake to provide an advanced, fully equipped Intensive Care Unit, comprised of a specialized electronic nursing bed, monitor of vital organs and a high-tech electronic respiratory station.

Palaplast has and will always strive for social solidarity even more so now that not only nationally but internationally we are dealing with a crisis. Not afraid, nor complacent, protecting ourselves and each other we must stand united to secure a better future for all.

Assistance in this effort is provided by the Network of Social Solidarity and Assistance which will handle the distribution of equipment for the ICU stations to the hospitals of Thessaloniki.