Peas (Pisum sativum) is an annual legume that thrives in cold climates without severe frosts. Sowing takes place either in autumn or spring, depending on the region and the climatic conditions. There are climbing, semi-climbing and dwarf varieties, which vary in height and way of development.
Pea cultivation:
Peas prefer soils that are not rocky with good drainage and a pH of 5.8 to 6.8 , the sowing of peas in intensive form is done with large seedlings machines (linear cultivation), while on a smaller scale it can be done by hand, provided that the soil has been properly prepared. The sowing depth depends on the type of soil, in light soils the sowing is about 3 cm deep, while in heavier soils it is 2 cm. Sowing is done in single or double planting lines. The distances of the lines are determined as usual by the variety.
For dwarf varieties it can be (in single lines) 60-70 cm line by line and plant by plant 8-10 cm, while in doubles the distance of lines is the same, but between the 2 close lines about 20 cm. In semi-climbing & climbing varieties the width can reach almost 2 meters.
The number of plants we have per acre in dwarf varieties for single lines is about 14500 to 16500 plants, while in double lines can reach from 22000 to 25000 plants.
Ideal germination conditions of seeds are above 10 degrees Celsius (ideal 14-18 degrees), at much lower temperatures (below 5 degrees Celsius) germination is slowed down for up to a month from sowing, while at an ambient temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, germination can be achieved in 10-14 days from sowing.
Plant growth
Peas withstand freezing just below 0 degrees Celsius, while at temperatures below -5 degrees we have quite a significant decrease in the growth of the plant. On the contrary, increased ambient temperature (27-28 degrees Celsius) creates a problem in the pollination of flowers and in combination with increased humidity we have development of diseases.
Pea cultivation requirements
For the proper fertilization of peas, we should first have done a soil analysis, to correctly determine the required needs, in order to reduce the cost of fertilizing if possible. Peas as a leguminous plant bind nitrogen from the atmosphere, so the needs for this element are usually met. Phosphorus and potassium can also be added at the sowing stage or even before, if required.
Protection of plants
Peas, like most plants, are affected by various diseases. They should be treated at the right time and always with the right guidance from experienced agronomists, using appropriate pesticides. Peas can be attacked by various insects such as: Aphids, tetranychus, and nematodes, as well as various fungi such as: Downy mildew, botrytis, sclerotinia, rust, anthracosis and mildew.
Peas are a plant with a fairly developed root system, so if grown in areas with adequate rainfall, irrigation requirements may be minimal. However, peas are also a plant that has water requirements, depending on the climatic conditions and the type of soil cultivated. The most critical stage in water requirements is during the flowering period up to the fall of the petals and the growth of the fruit. Proper implementation of water management at this stage is the key to success, for a good yield in production. The most appropriate method in this situation is drip or sprinkler irrigation.
Drip irrigation: Drip irrigation is highly recommended for the irrigation of peas. Water wastage is minimized as evaporation and runoff are reduced. So the amount of water is precisely controlled. At the same time, the right amount of moisture of the peas is ensured, without wetting the soil.
Sprinkler irrigation: The sprinklers are adjusted to provide uniform coverage for each plant to receive adequate amount of water. It is important to avoid excessive wetting of the foliage so that the plant does not affected by diseases.
Palaplast SA has a wide range of products that can be used to install a reliable and efficient drip irrigation and micro-spray irrigation system for growing peas.
Using modern irrigation methods you can maximize the yield of peas, saving water and reducing the overall cost. Water efficiency, precision control of flow rate, cost savings, reliability and durability as well as high-quality irrigation products that withstand harsh weather conditions and provide long-lasting performance are synonyms of our company:
- Self-adjusting Drip pipes: (Paladrip – Palaplast, Paladrip-XL – Palaplast, Paladrip-Slim – Palaplast)
- Drip Pipe Fittings
- Drips / Micro-spreyers
- Saddles / Filters