1st day of Spring
1st day of Spring “You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep Spring from coming”. Pablo Neruda 20th of March – 1st day of Spring, identified with the vernal Equinox, the phenomenon in which day and night have equal duration. Ιt occurs twice a year, once on March 20-21 and once… Read More …
Quince tree
QUINCE TREE Scientific name: Cydonia oblonga of the Rosaceae family. In biblical texts quince is referred to as the “Golden Apple”, while in ancient Greece it was offered on the wedding day as a symbol of fertility. It is also mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey as an ornamental tree, while in Roman times in the… Read More …
GRAPEVINE (Vitis vinifera, Family: Vitaceae) September, the beginning of autumn – also known as “Harvester”, is a peak month for grapevines and for the completion of harvesting. Grape harvesting, along with the pressing afterwards, has been one of the most important agricultural tasks since antiquity and an occasion for celebration, such as the Dionysian feast,… Read More …
Heat and Plants
HEAT AND PLANTS: How can we take care of our plants in high temperatures? Having entered July, in the heart of summer, high temperatures, heat waves, hot winds and long hours of exposure to intense sunlight are a common phenomenon that can cause irreparable damage to our plants and flowers. The sun, a necessary… Read More …
AVOCADO (Persea americana, Ec .: Lauraceae) Avocado is an evergreen tree in the tropical areas of Mexico and Central America. In recent years there has been an increase in cultivated areas, with Mexico as the main country of production, while in Greece there is an increasing dynamic of cultivation in Crete, and generally in… Read More …
POMEGRANATE (Punica granatum L., Fam. Punicaceae) Pomegranate is one of the oldest known cultivated trees, which held since ancient times an important place in the daily diet and the efforts of people to deal with diseases. Pomegranate’s name originates from the Latin word “pomum”, which means apple, and “granatum”, which means with seeds. In Greek… Read More …
FROST PROTECTION Protecting orchards from the devastating results of frost is a matter of great importance for agriculture. Confronting frost is a complex issue and has been studied through the years by many scientists, as for its solution it is necessary to take into account various factors, such as agricultural, chemical, meteorological, mechanical and economic.… Read More …